Healthy & Comforting Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Recipe

Stepping into the kitchen with enthusiasm and a spirit for wholesome nourishment, I find solace in crafting a vegetarian version of the classic split pea soup. This delicious, simple recipe mirrors the traditional palate but stands out for its absence of meat no ham hocks found here. Instead, I rely on green split peas, rich in vegetable protein, which not only offer incredible nutritional benefits but also ensure a hearty, filling meal with staying power.

I ensure that my ingredients are unadorned and easy to find; usually just a stroll to the natural foods stores’ bin section suffices, with spots like Whole Foods Market being an ideal hunting ground. With as few as five ingredients – staple onions that turn tender upon sautéing, and split peas themselves, I create a similar velvety texture to the beloved lentil soup. The trick is in the consistency; my preference leans towards a partially pureed soup, still textured, but comforting in every spoonful. Seasoned judiciously and sometimes flared with inventive toppings, the soup is a canvas for whatever your pantry might surprise you with.

Each serving is best enjoyed when it’s reheated, allowing flavors to meld beautifully. It’s the sort of restorative dish that makes the impossibly short winter days a little more bearable, especially when shared with friends and family who savor every bite.

What Are Split Peas?

What Are Split Peas?

Split peas are essentially mature field peas that have been dried. Once they reach maturity, they’re split in half through a natural drying process that has originated over 5,000 years ago in Southwestern Asia. Cultivated for centuries, they have been enjoyed in various foods across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and America. These staples are available in both yellow and green varieties, and as legumes, they have an earthy, slightly sweet flavor. What’s truly versatile about them is their ability to absorb the surrounding flavors when cooked, unlike their whole counterparts.

 There’s no need for soaking, making them a convenient choice for busy kitchens. Their creamy texture is the backbone of a delicious soup that doesn’t skimp on taste, texture, or nutritional punch. Offering a rich source of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins while being low-fat and vitamin-packed, split peas hold an invaluable place in a healthy diet.

Drawing from personal cooking escapades, I’ve found that these tiny yet mighty legumes transform a simple broth into a satisfyingly creamy soup that contrasts wonderfully with a crusty loaf of bread. They truly shine in this recipe, turning a classic dish into both a comfort food staple and a nutritional powerhouse.

Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Ingredients

Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Ingredients

Dry split peas

Every spoonful of vegetarian or vegan pea soup starts with a trusty base of dry split peas. Whether opting for dried green split peas or yellow split peas, these tiny yet mighty legumes are essential. I remember the first batch I ever made, where I carefully measured two cups; this ensured the perfect consistency, thick yet ever so creamy, foundational to any classic rendition of this heartwarming dish.

Carrots, yellow onion, and celery

For the carrots, yellow onion, and celery, I go for the freshest picks from the market. Chopping them feels almost meditative, knowing they’ll add vibrant color, texture, and fresh flavor to my healthy vegetarian split pea soup. This vegetable trio melds into a symphony, each contributing their notes to the wholesome ensemble.

Garlic, Fresh parsley, Dried thyme, and bay leaves

For the carrots, yellow onion, and celery, I go for the freshest picks from the market. Chopping them feels almost meditative, knowing they’ll add vibrant color, texture, and fresh flavor to my healthy vegetarian split pea soup. This vegetable trio melds into a symphony, each contributing their notes to the wholesome ensemble.

Cumin, red pepper flakes, paprika, salt, and pepper

The allure of a well-balanced spice blend can’t be overlooked as cumin, red pepper flakes, paprika, salt, and pepper all dance together. Just a pinch of each can add warmth and a subtle kick, turning a simple meal into a memorable one. Adjusting the spice level to taste, I often lean into the paprika for its smoky undertones.

Vegetable broth

Then comes the vegetable broth, the very foundation of our vegetarian split pea soup. The kind of veggie stock you use can make all the difference homemade or store-bought, it’s the liquid gold that carries all of our choicest ingredients through to a perfectly stewed fusion.

Lemon Juice

At the very end, just before serving, a squeeze of lemon juice provides the finishing touch. This hint of acidity brings a much-needed brightness to the bowl, lifting the earthy flavors into a harmonious balance that’s sure to entice the palate.

As I reflect on the countless times I’ve crafted this recipe, I realize that it’s a tapestry of simple ingredients woven into something far greater a comforting embrace in the form of a soup. There really is nothing like diving into a bowl of this nurturing concoction on a chilly evening.

How To Make Vegetarian Split Pea Soup

How To Make Vegetarian Split Pea Soup

Cooking Equipment

The foundation for making vegetarian split pea soup begins with selecting the appropriate cooking equipment. Whether using a gas stove or an electric stove, a large, heavy-bottomed pot is imperative to ensure even heat distribution during the cooking process.


Venture into the wholesome realm of vegetarian cuisine by gathering your ingredients. Essential items such as dry green split peas, fresh vegetable broth, and water are the heart of this dish. Carrots, onions, and celery add a mirepoix base, while garlic cloves, salt, ground black pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice provide layers of flavor. Aromatic bay leaf and sprinkled parsley not only offer depth but also garnish the soup beautifully. Don’t forget the homemade croutons and a side of crusty bread or a light salad for a complete meal.


Begin by rinsing the split peas thoroughly to remove any dirt or impurities. With your pot on the stove, heat some olive oil and start sauteing the chopped onions, carrot rounds, and celery until they’re tender. Add in the minced garlic cloves, stirring continuously to prevent any burning.

Next, it’s time to incorporate the split peas and broth, bringing the mixture to a boil. Throw in the bay leaf for that hint of herby essence. The key to a great soup lies in the simmering seasoning as you go and allowing flavors to meld. Keep an eye on your concoction, stirring occasionally and adding water as needed to prevent it from thickening too much. As the peas start breaking down, the soup will begin to thicken naturally. If it gets too thick, thin out with a bit more broth or water until the desired consistency is achieved.

Once the peas are completely soft, a final taste test for seasoning is in order. The soup should now be rich and flavorful, ready to be dished into bowls. Complete the experience by topping with fresh parsley and crunchy homemade croutons, and serve alongside crusty bread or a refreshing salad for that perfect vegetarian meal.

The joy of this simple, comforting, and healthy dish is its versatility and ease, making it a staple for those seeking warmth on a chilly day or a satisfying meal that promises to nourish and delight the senses.

Crock-Pot or Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup Recipe Vegetarian

Embarking on the journey to create the comforting classic in a vegetarian twist, I dive right into my treasured Crock-Pot. It’s essential we focus on the steps carefully, as each stage promises to add to that homey flavor we all desire. Starting with my trusty large saucepan and a drizzle of olive oil, the foundation begins with a bit of a sauté. Onion, carrots, celery, and garlic jump into the mix, feeding the air with scents that remind me of my family kitchen. Season with salt and pepper just enough to bring out the sweetness. 

Once the vegetables glisten, I make the simple transfer of the mixture into the waiting Crock-Pot, where the remaining ingredients will join. A splash of lemon juice will stir the pot, setting it on high until it hits a gentle boil, then switching to heat so low to let it all simmer. Here’s where patience pays – a good 4 to 5 hours until the peas are tender. The consistency naturally thickens, but if needed, a few more cups of water or broth can adjust it to taste. And let’s not forget to remove the bay leaves before we sit to dine.

Tips for Making the Best Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Recipe

Tips for Making the Best Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Recipe

Make surety rinse and sort 

My sister once learned the hard way that if you skip the seemingly mundane step of rinsing and sorting your bag of split peas, you might end up with more than a wholesome soup—think an emergency trip to the dentist courtesy of a rogue rock. So, always rinse and sort your peas to ensure the best version of your vegetarian split pea soup that’s safe to eat

Season in layers

Introduce seasoning like salt and black pepper in stages to build complexity in your vegetarian split pea soup. This is a culinary tip I adore, especially since it’s common to only season at the end. Think of the layers as the foundation of the vegetarian split pea soup, giving it depths of flavor that would usually rely on ham, which we typically use in non-vegetarian recipes.

A little lemon goes a long way

Believe me when I say that a dash of lemon juice can be a game-changer for your split pea soup. Consider it the finishing touch; a spoonful could sully the pot if too much is added upfront. Start small and build the flavor; this way, you won’t make the common mistake of an overpowering lemon taste.

Adjust the consistency to your linking

The consistency of split pea soup is a matter of personal preference. Some like it with texture, where you can see the individual veggies and slightly broken-down peas, while others go for a smooth, creamy soup. Don’t hesitate to blend a portion to achieve a balance between fully blended and lumps of unblended part as per your liking using an immersion blender or food processor.

Use the tool you have

Don’t be deterred if you don’t have a crock pot or an Instant Pot; the beauty of this recipe is its versatility. You can make a gorgeous pot of soup on the stovetop or with a pressure cooker if that’s what you have on hand. I’m quite adept with my trusty stovetop, but if you prefer other tools, I’m happy to share instructions to incorporate whatever kitchen tool you may have or have on your wish list.

Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Variations

Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Variations

When it comes to Vegetarian Split Pea Soup, we’re not just talking comfort food; we’re diving into a meal that brings nutritional value to the table, especially in a vegetarian or vegan diet. This tasty recipe swaddles your palate while featuring antioxidants from the onions and vitamin A from the carrots. 

For those on a dairy-free, gluten-free, or vegan diet, it’s a satiating dish that contributes to muscle health and digestive health. The split peas themselves are a powerhouse of protein, and when you throw in vegetables like celery, you’re boosting the vitamin C intake. The fiber in this soup can contribute to fullness and a healthy heart, all while keeping the cholesterol and calories intake low for overall well-being.

Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Nutrition

Now, this classic split pea soup sans the traditional ham offers a realm of variations to keep your taste buds intrigued. For a richer soup, consider a broth infused with herbs or a dash of creamy coconut milk for a velvety texture more indulgent than the last spoonful. Satisfying beyond words, try incorporating plant-based proteins like smoky tempeh or tofu for that savory pick-me-up.

 The beauty of a vegetarian split pea soup lies in its flexibility. Toss in carrots, onions, and celery or elevate the nutrition with other vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. The inclusion of lentils – be it red lentils or green lentils – offers a perfect texture boost, making each bite as delicious as it is nourishing.

Storing, Freezing, and Reheating

When it comes to preserving your vegetarian split pea soup, the marvel is in the leftovers. Once cooled to room temperature, transferring the soup into an airtight container means it can be stored fresh for 3-4 days. It freezes well too, ensuring you can keep it for 2-3 months in a freezer-safe container or heavy-duty freezer bag. 

When you’re ready to eat, simply defrost in the refrigerator overnight and reheat on the stovetop, microwave, or even a slow cooker. Remember to add a little water or broth to achieve your desired consistency.

Finishing Touches

Never underestimate the power of finishing touches to transform a good bowl of soup into a great one. A generous drizzle of golden olive oil or a dusting of smoked paprika offers that smoky depth. Or perhaps flecks of lemon zest to brighten, and if you’re feeling bold, toasted nuts for crunch. For those who never tried split peas, now’s the time to go for it.


In the comments, some suggestions and tweaks stood out. Renae took her soup in an herb-forward direction, finding the combination of fennel and sage to make her soup divine, while Jesper was looking for a lighter liquid base, deciding on cubed bouillon to use with water left over from cooking chick peas with onion, a garlic clove, black pepper corns, and a bay leaf for a lightly flavored vegetable stock that also freezes well. Christine’s style was to add garnishes like chopped fresh marjoram, oregano, or thyme, with an occasional dash of hot sauce or a swirl of hot mustard definitely a great way to tailor to personal taste.


Crafting a vegetarian split pea soup is more than a culinary journey; it is an art of transforming humble ingredients into a symphony of flavors that nourish the body and soul. The green split peas, an ancient and nutritional gem, are the stars of this heartwarming dish, offering protein and fiber rich sustenance. Together with the essential mirepoix, the right bouquet of herbs, and the clever incorporation of spices, each bowl promises comfort and contentment.

 This recipe not only redefines a classic but also celebrates the versatility and joy of vegetarian cooking. Whether it’s made ahead, enjoyed immediately, or frozen for later delight, vegetarian split pea soup stands as a testament to the simple yet profound pleasure of eating healthfully. It’s a dish intertwined with the warmth of tradition and the assurance of well-being, perfect for any table, any day.


Can split pea soup be left out overnight?

It’s not recommended to leave split pea soup out overnight. Bacteria can multiply rapidly at room temperature, jeopardizing food safety.

Can you make split pea soup in advance?

Preparing your split pea soup in advance allows flavors to meld beautifully, making it a perfect meal prep candidate for even better tasting.

Is Vegetarian split pea soup healthy?

Absolutely! Vegetarian split pea soup is a healthy powerhouse packed with protein, fiber, iron, and vitamins, while being low in calories and cholesterol.

What can I add to bland split pea soup?

To enhance a bland recipe, add salt, herbs, spices, a dash of umami with soy sauce or miso paste to flavor your soup.

Can you eat this soup on Weight Watchers?

Weight Watchers enthusiasts can partake in this soup, especially when prepared with olive oil for sautéing, using broth and veggies, supporting the recipe as zero-point foods.

What’s the difference between pea soup and split pea soup?

The main ingredient presents a stark contrast; pea soup often uses whole green peas, while vegetarian split pea soup opts for dried split peas, resulting in a heartier, thicker rather than thinner and creamier, with a flavor profile that’s sweeter, milder, as opposed to earthier, nuttier.

Can split pea soup be frozen?

Split pea soup can be frozen effectively in containers or freezer bags. Remember to leave room for expansion and ensure refrigeration to maintain quality in an airtight environment.

Where can you buy split peas?

Split peas can be easily found at various locations including grocery stores, health food stores, farmers’ markets, and online retailers in the dry goods or legumes section.

Does split pea soup contain dairy?

Most vegetarian recipe variations of split pea soup do not contain dairy, making them a hearty option for those avoiding animal products.
As someone who has crafted many a soup from scratch, I can attest to the magic of a good split pea soup it’s every spoonful resounding with the comforts of home.

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