Super Simple Salmon Roasted in Butter and Herbs

If you’re looking for a recipe that’s both sophisticated and incredibly easy to prepare, you’re going to love this guide on making Super Simple Salmon Roasted in Butter and Herbs. This dish is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients, making it a perfect addition to your meal repertoire.

Craving a mouth-watering salmon dish that can be prepared in a short time? This easy-to-make recipe for roasted salmon drenched in butter is one to bookmark. It’s an anecdote from when I was scouring the New York Times Food section, browsing for a fish recipe that could shake up my boring dinner routine.

Salmon Roasted In Butter

 I happened upon a NYT recipe and immediately knew it was a must-try. Created by Mark Bittman, a name familiar to those who admire food writers in the United States, it’s a delectable homage to his bestselling cookbook, “How to Cook Everything: The Basics,” which bags a spot next to James Beard and Julia Childs on the General Cookbook Award list.

Bittman’s book focuses on recipes that don’t require a lot of culinary skills to master and this salmon recipe is the epitome of his style. It’s one of the easiest meals I’ve ever made and quickly became my favorite way to cook salmon. The roasting at a high temperature with lots of butter renders the salmon silky and delicate. A squeeze of lemon and a scattering of fresh herbs balance the richness of the natural oils. 

Once cooked this simple yet remarkable dish is something you’d want to repeat. It might just turn non-fish eaters in your life into instant salmon fans. Don’t believe me? Just ask my 9-year-old niece, who now requests this roasted salmon once a week. I promise, it’s a dish you will make over and over, and you’ll thank me later for the introduction.

Salmon Roasted In Butter

When it comes to cooking a salmon that’s both delicious and easy to prepare, the question on everyone’s mind is, can it really be that simple? The answer is a resounding YES. This recipe, inspired by none other than culinary expert Mark Bittman, is a game-changer for both busy weeknights and special occasions. Envision roasting a high-quality piece of salmon at a high temperature, swathed in a generous amount of butter, and you’ve got the foundation for a rich flavor with a succulent texture that’s hard to beat.

In my own kitchen, I’ve found that adding a medley of herbs and a squeeze of lemon to the mix creates the perfect balance and brightness that elevates the dish. It’s a flavorful and satisfying meal that comes together with just a few ingredients and under 30 minutes. Truly, Salmon roasted in butter not only sounds enticing but is the perfect option for anyone aiming to impress without the stress.

Baked Salmon with Butter

Baked Salmon with Butter

When it comes to a healthy meal that I absolutely love, Salmon tops the list with its rich, succulent tastes. I’m always on the hunt for new ways to prepare this delightful fish, and this recipe straight from my grandma’s book should consider hitting your dinner menu. Melt about 3 Tbsp of butter over the fillet before placing it in the oven; it’s a simple step that could never hurt the outcome. 

This amount of butter ensures a moist serving every time. There’s something magical about the way fresh herbs such as dill, my go-to pairing, works its charm when laid atop the salmon. The duo of salt and pepper coming together with parsley is something I’d always recommend to enhance the roasting process.

Dishing the salmon at the end, don’t forget to garnish with minced basil or a dollop of pesto to elevate the flavor. It’s my personal twist to make the whole experience refreshing. Enjoy your perfectly roasted salmon, a dish where fresh meets indulgence!

Ingredients Needed For Salmon Cooked In Butter And Lemon

Ingredients Needed For Salmon Cooked In Butter And Lemon

Fresh Salmon

Selecting the right type of Salmon is pivotal. Whether it’s wild salmon, Atlantic, or Sockeye salmon, the choice is yours. If farm-raised salmon is your preference, that’s perfectly fine, too. Aim for a whole salmon fillet or individual portions that are about 6 oz and 1-inch thick to ensure even cooking time. The goal is uniform salmon fillets so everyone enjoys their serving portions at the same delicious degree of doneness.


Ah, Butter, the star of the show in this dish. Use high-quality butter for that rich, indulgent flavor that will envelop the fish. This is where the dish gets its heartwarming allure; indeed, butter makes everything better.

Chopped Parsley, chervil, or dill

It’s all about the herbs like chopped parsley, chervil, and dill; this trio makes the dish truly delicious. Whether you’re on Team Parsley or Team Dill, or even fancying some chervil – these herbs infuse the salmon with their delectable essence.

Lemon juice

A dash of lemon juice as embraced by Mark Bittman in his original recipe—provides a stronger taste profile which exactly what you need to balance the rich fatty acids in the fish.

Salt and pepper

Salt and pepper are the classic seasonings that complete any recipe. Their inclusion here is no exception, bringing out the full spectrum of flavors waiting to burst.

Lemon wedges or slices

To serve, garnish with lemon wedges or slices. This not only provides an eye-catching aesthetic but also allows individual guests to add a final lemon spritz to their taste, offering a finish that complements the fish perfectly.

How To Make Oven Roasted Salmon In Butter

How To Make Oven Roasted Salmon In Butter

Roasting salmon in butter is my go-to for any occasion that calls for a quick, delicious dish. My favorite recipe is one that I’ve tweaked and perfected over time, and has become a staple in my house. With simple steps, you can create a flavorful meal that’s perfectly cooked in no time. Let’s dive into the process, shall we?

Prepare the butter, lemon, and herbs

Begin by preheating your oven to 475° F (245° C). This high heat is perfect for quickly roasting and getting that irresistible crust. Now, take a large baking dish or roasting pan that can comfortably fit your salmon. I usually go for one that can hold up to four portions. Drop four tablespoons of butter into the dish along with half of your minced herbs; we’ll set aside the other half for a small bowl to be used later.

Place the pan into the preheated oven to allow the butter to heat until it melts and the herbs sizzle, roughly about 5 minutes. While the butter and herbs are melting, take a moment to pat your salmon fillets dry with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Always remember, dry salmon means a better sear and crust. Once done, carefully remove the dish from the oven, give the now flavorful, herb-infused butter a good stir, and work in the lemon juice. Using a sheet pan, preferably a rimmed baking sheet, to cook your salmon makes it harder to capture the leftover melted butter; you’ll want every drop to spoon over your salmon before serving.

Roast the salmon

Now, it’s show time. Place your salmon in the pan, skin side up, and let it roast for 4 minutes. Take it out of the oven, remove the skin it should peel off effortlessly now and then sprinkle a touch of salt and ground black pepper. Turn it over so the flesh side is up, and sprinkle once again. Roast for an additional 3 to 5 minutes, or until well done to your liking.

Serve the salmon cooked in butter and lemon

To serve, it’s all about the presentation. Transfer the salmon over to a plate, drizzle that bit of melted butter and large herbs directly from the pan, and spoon some fresh lemon juice over the top. Garnish with lemon wedges or slices. Serve each fillet with the remaining lemon wedges on the top for an added zest and a beautiful herb glean. And there you have it, a dish to enjoy. Using fresh herbs and lemon really brings out the best in the salmon. Bon appétit!

What To Serve With This Recipe For Salmon Roasted In Butter

What To Serve With This Recipe For Salmon Roasted In Butter

Roasted vegetables

For a healthy twist, pair the rich buttery salmon with an array of roasted vegetables. Mix Broccoli, carrots, green beans, asparagus, and brussels sprouts – all coming together to complement the NYT acclaimed butter salmon. The roasting process caramelizes the veggies, enhancing their sweetness, making them a perfect sidekick.


Imagine a bowl of fluffy rice, infused with fresh herbs, lemon zest, and a hint of garlic. This side dish creates a delicate balance to the seasonings used on the salmon. I often let the butter from the salmon drizzle onto my rice for added flavor, marrying the dish components superbly.


A green salad or a spinach salad with a light vinaigrette is ideal for those who want something light to accompany their salmon. During summertime, enjoying this meal al fresco with a peach and feta salad elevates the experience to a blissfully refreshing feast.


For starch lovers, mashed potatoes make an excellent partner to fish dishes, particularly salmon. But if you want something with a bit more texture, roast potatoes or baby potatoes seasoned simply with salt, pepper, and herbs are simply divine. They soak up the buttery juices making every bite heavenly.

Crusty bread

There’s something special about crusty bread, dipped into the herbed buttery juices of roasted salmon. It’s rustic, satisfying, and ensures not a drop of that flavorful butter goes to waste. It’s my personal favorite, especially when the bread gets a little toast from the oven.


In conclusion, this simple yet divine recipe for salmon roasted in butter, inspired by Mark Bittman’s acclaimed culinary work, has transformed weeknight dinners from mundane to extraordinary with just a few ingredients and minimal effort. The high-heat roasting technique, coupled with the richness of butter and the freshness of lemon and herbs, produces a succulent, flaky salmon that is bound to become a staple in your culinary repertoire.

 Its ease and quick preparation time make it an ideal dish for any night of the week or occasions that call for impressing guests without the hassle. A testament to its appeal is its power to convert even the pickiest of eaters, such as my niece, into eager salmon enthusiasts. With this roasted salmon recipe, you’re not just serving a meal; you’re delivering an experience of comfort, flavor, and satisfaction that’ll have everyone eagerly awaiting their next salmon dinner.


Is it better to cook salmon in butter or olive oil?

Ultimately, the better option depends on the desired outcome of your dish. Cooking salmon in butter is the easiest way to achieve a richer flavor, an excellent choice if you’re aiming for a creamier texture. On the note of health, however, olive oil is considered a healthier addition due to its beneficial fats and is the way I tend to lean towards. It’s a lighter option and imparts a nuttier flavor profile to your salmon.

 One should not be overly constrained by rules here; the best way to decide what you prefer is to experiment with both ways of cooking. I found my sweet spot after trying various combinations and discovered my personal winning match for salmon: a delicious duo of butter for that mouth-watering drip and a splash of olive oil to keep the flavors balanced.

Can I use butter instead of oil for salmon?

When it comes to cooking up a beautiful piece of salmon, many ponder the age-old question of whether to use butter or oil. I, myself, have been in such a flavor dilemma. Here’s what I found: butter can definitely be substituted and it does so beautifully. It not only adds a rich flavor to the fish but also imbues it with a creamy and nutty essence that oil can’t quite replicate. There’s proof in the cooking; many a time I’ve tried a lemon butter salmon recipe and the result is always wonderful.

What happens if you don’t rinse salmon before cooking?

Let me put your mind at ease nothing disastrous. Omitting the rinse won’t summon an army of bacteria; salmon is cooked at a high enough temperature to eliminate any nasties.

What brings out the flavor of salmon?

As one who loves to revel in the art of seasoning, I can attest to the ways herbs and spices like dill, parsley, and thyme work their magic, enhancing the flavor of salmon to new heights. Simple lemon pepper, fiery cayenne pepper, or distinct curry powder; they’re all options that bring out that savory goodness.

Why do people put lemon on top of salmon?

Lemon atop your salmon isn’t just for a pop of color; it genuinely enhances the flavor of the fish, with its acidity cutting through the richness. Plus, we eat with our eyes first, and that splash of yellow is oh-so-visually appealing.

What is the best way to cook salmon?

The best way to cook salmon, I’d say, is in a hot oven; it becomes wonderfully juicy and tender with little attention. And if you’re looking for something quick and easy, a cast iron skillet on the stovetop is your friend for that perfect crispy skin.

How long to cook salmon in butter?

Cooking times are crucial and they depend on the thickness of your fillet. For 6 oz of salmon, a rough estimate for a 1-inch thick piece roasted at 475° F (247° C) is about 10 minutes for medium-rare to 12-15 minutes for well-done. Always check with a meat thermometer for safe consumption at 145° F (63° C), although many chefs prefer to serve it slightly rarer at 125° F (52° C).

Can I use a different type of fish for this New York Times salmon roasted in butter recipe?

Absolutely, this cooking method works with other meaty fish like halibut, tuna, or swordfish, yet delicate fish may need a slight adjustment in cooking time; tilapia or sole require less time in the oven.

How do you store leftover salmon?

With the forkful of leftover salmon, the key is to store it right. Tucked in an airtight container in the refrigerator, it can last up to three days. When you’re ready to reheat, warm it up in the oven at 275 degrees Fahrenheit (135 degrees Celsius), just until it’s heated through, to avoid drying out.

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