A Smoky Mezcal Apple Cider Margarita

When the cold air of autumn comes, nothing quite matches the smoky Mezcal Apple Cider Margarita to evoke that harvest feeling. It is a quick and easy way to enjoy the best tastes of the season with family and friends. The mixture of smoky mezcal and tequila, spiced apple cider, and lime creates a classic yet unusual sip that captures fall.



This is what you are supposed to have to make this cocktail:

  • Mezcal: Takes the lead role and produces that characteristic smokiness.
  • Silver Tequila: Makes it look sleek and neat.
  • Orange Liquor: Gives the citrus flavor a lift
  • Apple Cider: Delicious and cool, ideal for autumn.
  • Lime Juice: Brings out sourness hence balancing sweetness.
  • Maple Syrup: Just to give it some richness,

For garnishing purposes, add apple slices and cinnamon sticks, which will make each drink look attractive.



How I Prepared It:

  • Apply a lime wedge around the rim of your glass and immerse it in a combination of spiced sugars, cinnamon, and allspice.
  • Fill the ice glass and put it aside.
  • Pour equal parts of apple cider, mezcal, and grand Marnier into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
  • Squeeze some lime juice over the mixture and shake vigorously for several seconds.
  • Transfer this mixture to that glass.
  • Finish off with cinnamon sticks, as well as apple slices.
  • Enjoy!



If you like to make it different, try out these variations:

  1. Add some ginger beer for a little effervescence and add zing.
  2. Change the smoky profile by using flavored mezcal such as those infused with various herbs or fruits.
  3. In place of apple cider, substitute pear cider for a slight twist on the traditional fall flavor.

Food Pairings

Food Pairings

This cocktail goes great with several dishes:


It’s not just any cocktail; the Smoky Mezcal Apple Cider Margarita symbolizes autumn. This drink is well-rounded from the deep smoke flavors of mescal to its spiced apple sweetness, these ingredients make it feel like cozy autumn. Whether it is hosting friends or having a quiet night alone, this margarita brings class and warmth into your fall celebrations.


What is in a mezcal drink?

Mezcal, a broader class of agave spirits technically includes tequila, thus a perfect match for tequila cocktails such as Paloma. Its smokey flavor emerges when combined with the classic’s lime juice and grapefruit soda.

Is mezcal smoky tasting?

Now we have already mentioned that smokiness is characteristic of Mezcal which makes it different from all other spirit drinks but learning about its past and its source helps us to understand how it gets its taste. The smoky character of mezcal is derived from a lengthy production process steeped in tradition.

Is mezcal 100% alcohol?

Alcoholic content of up to fifty-five percent can be attained in Mezcal. It should be distilled twice like tequila.

Is mezcal whiskey?

So technically speaking, any liquor made from agave is Mezcal. A comparison with whiskey might help here. Think of mezcal as being to the parent alcohol category that whiskey is to bourbon scotch or rye; they are all whiskeys at the end of the day.

Is mezcal stronger than tequila?

Generally, mezcal has a higher alcohol percentage. There are far more types of agaves utilized in producing mezcal than there are in making tequila, hence an increased range of flavors available.

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