NYC: It Was Love at First Sight

From the moment I moved to New York City, it was love at first sight. As I exited the cab as a 34-year-old and a middle-aged woman, with my spirited 5-year-old child in tow, I felt a deep crush on this iconic city. We had departed from the easy life in San Diego in search of something new, something bold—freedom, a fresh chapter, an escape from the ordinary. It was on July 27, 2010, that we began our new adventure.

NYC: It Was Love at First Sight

First Sight: A Moment That Changed Everything

That initial walk through the bustling avenues opened my eyes to our drastic change. Suddenly, I was part of an urban whirlwind, where previously known independence shifted into an electric encounter with millions of faces, all eager to tell their stories. The Big Apple wasn’t just another relocation; it was where I belonged, where I decided it was home, an emotion that was so visceral and immediate.

Exploring New York: The Discovery of Roof Enthusiasm

In my quest to explore and know this new world, I found myself on W. 111th Street, looking for books in a quaint bodega. It was here where I discovered the ‘Roof Explorer’s Guide: 101 New York City Rooftops‘. This book opened up a new dimension of the city for me—one of public access to rooftops that offered not just a romantic escape but a candlelit dinner with the skyline. These places weren’t meant to just show off but to cherish—the tranquility they offered atop the chaotic city life was magical and life-changing.

NYC: It Was Love at First Sight

A Passionate Response to the Urban Whirlwind

This newfound love motivated me to write. Starting a guest blog, I began sharing my experiences, interactions, and the transformative perspectives from these rooftops. Each post was a response, a reflection of my journey from a woman seeking a new life to a passionate content creator, capturing the vibrant essence of my beloved New York City. The city’s energy contrasted with the peaceful rooftops, painting a landscape that truly mirrored my own growth and cherish.

Love Reinvented: A Constant Heart Follow

Years have passed, and NYC has forever changed a piece of my heart; the city sculpted a new sense of self, and independence, and forged deep connections amidst skyscraper shadows. Despite the moments I miss from my past life, there’s no regret. This dynamic metropolis continually reinforces why it captured my heart at first sight—from its streets to the hidden rooftop retreats, each tells a story of belonging and cherishing, echoing why NYC is still, undoubtedly, the best city in my eyes.


The transformative journey from San Diego to the heart of New York City, it is evident that the move was not merely a change of address but a profound shift in soul and spirit. From the electric buzz of city life that initially overwhelmed me to the serene escapes atop the city’s rooftops, my love for New York was both immediate and evolutionary. The city offered not just a backdrop but a vibrant participant in my story of rebirth and self-discovery. As I adapted to my new surroundings, I formed a passion not just for the place but for sharing its myriad stories through my writing. 

This narrative isn’t just about relocating; it’s about finding a new identity and an enduring love in an unexpected skyline embrace. New York City, with all its complexities and challenges, remains a symbol of newfound freedom and the unending allure of possibilities, proving that sometimes, the most profound loves are those that come as a surprise, deeply changing us forever.

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What is the famous quote about love at first sight?

It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight. – Vladimir Nabokov. “Love at first sight is not just an event, it’s a journey. – Unknown. “The first time I saw you, my heart skipped a beat. And every time since it’s been beating faster and faster.

How do you express love at first sight?

1. Love At First Sight Quotes for You
2. When our eyes met, I felt a spark that lit up my soul
3. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen
4. You are the best thing that ever happened to me
5. The very first moment I beheld him, my heart was irrevocably gone
6. You had me at hello

What do you mean by love at first sight?

Love at first sight is the experience of starting to be in love with someone as soon as you see them for the first time. It was love at first sight, and he proposed to me six weeks later.

What is the feeling of love at first sight?

Love at first sight describes the moment in which you feel an instant connection with someone. The subject of many songs, TV shows, movies and popular literature, love at first sight is a moment characterized by intense longing and extreme attraction to another person with little to no reasoning behind it.

Is True love at first sight?

While love at first sight can be experienced as an overwhelming and real feeling, it is likely more accurate that the feeling is due to a strong attraction or infatuation, rather than what we know as real love.

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