Easy Kentucky Kiss Cocktail Recipe for Bourbon Lovers

Spring’s warmth and weather bring a refreshing change, making it the perfect time to explore new cocktails that reflect the season’s blooms and freshness. As the days get longer and Spring is in full swing, the Kentucky Kiss cocktail stands out as a top-notch choice for Bourbon enthusiasts. This delightful concoction blends fresh strawberries with Maker’s Mark, creating a sweet yet tart taste that’s simply irresistible. It’s a drink that has earned its spot on any cocktail lover’s list, striking the perfect balance between sweetness and too-sweet territory.

During the Winter months, many seek inspiration for a refreshment that indicates the Springtime transition, and the Kentucky Kiss recipe is poised to become a go-to drink for the season. This fantastic blend uses just the right amount of Bourbon and fruits, delivering a surprise of fizzy and fruity flavors with every sip. Springtime sips are elevated with this perfect brand of Whiskey, ensuring each glass is a welcome bridge from the cold months to the new Springtime days. For those on the hunt for a fun, easy-to-make, Kentucky-inspired cocktail, look no further than the Kentucky Kiss, a drink that’s officially become a hit this year.

What is a Kentucky Kiss Cocktail?

What is a Kentucky Kiss Cocktail?

When it comes to crafting a unique cocktail for the Springtime season, the Kentucky Kiss Cocktail stands out as a delicious option that brings together the best elements of flavor and relaxation. This drink combines the boldness of Bourbon with the bright flavors of sweet strawberries and fresh lemon, creating a balance between sweet and tart that’s nothing short of perfect. Ideal for warmer weather, it’s a quintessential porch pounder that beckons you to sit back, relax in a rocking chair on a sunny patio, and soak in the beauty of the South. 

Whether you’re celebrating the arrival of Spring with a casual brunch or simply enjoying a refreshing Whiskey drink with friends, this cocktail promises to be a great companion. The hint of maple syrup adds a touch of sweetness without overshadowing the fresh, fruity elements, making it the best choice for those who love a perfect pairing for any Springtime occasion. So next time you’re looking to enjoy a Kentucky Kiss Cocktail, know it’s more than just a drink; it’s an experience of Southern hospitality in a glass.

Kentucky Kiss Cocktail History

Falling in love with the Kentucky Kiss is almost inevitable for Bourbon enthusiasts. This fruity cocktail made waves in the early 21st century when it unexpectedly came out and became a staple in the American cocktail scene. Though a clear-cut origin story is elusive, its creation is believed to have a connection with Kentucky the heart of Bourbon country. Maker’s Mark is often called the signature Bourbon used in the recipe, lending its unique characteristics to the refreshing flavors we savor today. 

Unlike many cocktails with documented histories, the specific date it was invented remains a mystery. It quickly gained notable addition status among Kentucky cocktails, primarily credited for being a delicious Springtime sipper. The absence of wild stories about its place of inception doesn’t diminish its charm but rather adds to its intrigue. While enjoying this cocktail, one can savor not just the drink, but the essence of its name—refreshing yet rooted deeply in the heritage of Kentucky.

Kentucky Kiss Cocktail Ingredients

When it comes to crafting the perfect Kentucky Kiss cocktail, the ingredients you choose are essential.

Kentucky Kiss Cocktail Ingredients

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Bourbon: The undeniable star of this recipe! I prefer Maker’s Mark for its smooth, wheaten character, but any high-quality Bourbon or Rye Whiskey will work just fine for this group of lovers.
  • Strawberries: Ripe, plump, and brightly colored berries are the heart of the Kentucky Kiss. During Springtime, I always opt for fresh, organic strawberries to capture that natural sweetness. It’s like adding a touch of personal favorite fruit into the cocktail.
  • Lemon Juice: A squeeze of freshly squeezed lemon juice is key. It provides the necessary tartness to balance the sweetness of the strawberries and maple syrup in the Bourbon blend.
  • Maple Syrup: A touch of pure maple syrup adds not just subtle sweetness but also a depth of flavor that perfectly complements the Bourbon. Avoid the pancake syrup here; pure is best for that genuine flavor balance.
  • Club Soda: Just a splash is all it takes to bring some fizz and lightness. It’s especially refreshing on a warm day.
  • Garnish: Lastly, a fresh strawberry and a lemon wheel or wedge act as the perfect cocktail garnish. They add a pop of color and a touch of elegance to the finished drink.

Mix everything with a handful of ice, ensuring every element melds together beautifully. The Kentucky Kiss is more than just a drink it’s a symphony of flavors that will keep any Bourbon lover coming back for more.

How to Make a Kentucky Kiss Cocktail

Creating a Kentucky Kiss Cocktail is a delightful adventure for bourbon enthusiasts, seamlessly blending sweet strawberries with the rich depth of bourbon. Begin by rinsing and hulling a few fresh berries using a strawberry huller and paring knife. In a rocks glass or old-fashioned glass, muddle the strawberries at the bottom with a splash of lemon juice and maple syrup using a long-handled bar spoon or your hand. 

Add ice and Bourbon (measured precisely with a Japanese jigger or measuring spoons) into the glass and give it a gentle stir to combine. For an extra touch, include a splash of club soda for some fizz. Garnish with a slice of strawberries and top with more ice if preferred chilled. The result is a refreshing strawberry Bourbon drink that’s as visually appealing as it is delicious. This inviting drink is perfect for those who appreciate the complexity of muddled berries in their drink, adding a punch of sweetness to the robust Bourbon.

Kentucky Kiss Cocktail Variations

Kentucky Kiss Cocktail Variations

As a Bourbon enthusiast, I adore how versatile the Kentucky Kiss cocktail can be. While the original Kentucky Kiss features Bourbon as its main ingredient, don’t shy away from experimenting with different spirits. Start by swapping the traditional Whiskey with vodka for a cleaner, crisper taste, or try gin to add subtle herbal notes. For a fruity twist, muddle strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries, or even swap them with peaches depending on the season. Another creative idea is to adapt the recipe into a non-alcoholic mocktail by omitting the booze and increasing the sparkling water with a hint of vanilla extract to mimic those rich undertones. 

Adding a sprig of mint or some fresh basil leaves offers herbal complexity and refreshing flavors. Alternatively, replace club soda with Sprite or another lemon-lime soda for an extra zing. Don’t forget to experiment with different syrups such as maple syrup, or even dive into beverages with a tropical vibe by incorporating White Rum or aged Rum. My personal favorite variation is the Kentucky Buck with a splash of ginger beer and a few dashes of bitters, staying true to its classic roots while introducing exhilarating new flavors.

How Strong Is a Kentucky Kiss Cocktail?

Crafting a Kentucky Kiss Cocktail at home can be an absolute delight, especially for bourbon enthusiasts. This sweet and fruity concoction is created with a robust 90-proof whiskey which means it’s definitely not a light drink. When you mix the ingredients, the cocktail’s alcohol content can be estimated to max out around 22 percent ABV, or 44 proof. That’s nearly half the potency typical to many popular whiskey cocktails like the Manhattan or the Old-Fashioned. As someone who enjoys experimenting with bourbon, I can vouch that although the Kentucky Kiss might taste lighter due to its fruity notes, it packs quite a kick and is perfect for anyone looking to enjoy the essence of a strong yet perfectly balanced cocktail.


  1. Prepare by selecting the freshest strawberries or frozen strawberries and ensure they thaw properly if frozen.
  2. Remove the green part of the strawberries and cut them lengthwise for better flavor infusion.
  3. Rinse the lemon thoroughly before slicing and squeeze out fresh lemon juice over the strawberries.
  4. Muddle the strawberries in a glass with a splash of real maple syrup for added depth.
  5. For an alternative, make a mock maple syrup using white sugar, brown sugar, water, butter, and vanilla extract.
  6. Mix all ingredients well to create the best drink for bourbon lovers.

Other Bourbon Cocktails to Try

Other Bourbon Cocktails to Try
  • Kentucky Kiss Cocktail: This tasty concoction is a treat for bourbon enthusiasts, combining the sweetness of real maple syrup with the freshness of strawberries.
  • Mint Julep: An iconic and tasty drink, mixing fresh mint, sugar, and bourbon, ideal for capturing the Derby spirit.
  • Peach Bourbon Basil Smash: Perfect for warm-weather, this seasonal cocktail combines the sweetness of peaches with the fragrant kick from basil.
  • Winter Into Spring: Enjoy this tart, creamy drink, which is a great choice for the transition between Winter and Spring, featuring Meyer lemon juice and a silky egg white.
  • The PA: A refreshing spiced delight for the parched around the world, made with fresh lime juice, bitters, and ginger beer.
  • What Should We Have: A vibrant mix featuring fresh orange juice, lemon, a mix of bitters, and an orange twist, creating a refreshing drink.
  • The Southern Knob: A cozy and yummy combination of apples, cinnamon, and spice, making it the perfect Whiskey cocktail for the Autumn season.
  • Mock Maple Syrup: An alternative sweetener made from white sugar, brown sugar, water, butter, and vanilla extract for those who might not have real syrup on hand.
  • Preparation: Always ensure to thaw any frozen strawberries properly.
  • Inspection: Remember to remove the green part of the strawberries and cut them lengthwise.
  • Juicing: Rinse the lemon thoroughly before slicing and squeeze out fresh lemon juice.
  • Muddle: Combine the strawberries in a glass with the other ingredients and enjoy your refreshing drink.


The Kentucky Kiss cocktail is a perfect symbol of Spring, blending the rich flavors of Maker’s Mark bourbon with fresh strawberries, lemon juice, and a hint of maple syrup. Its sweet-tart balance and refreshing fizz provide a delightful transition from Winter’s chill to Spring’s warmth. Ideal for any Springtime gathering, this vibrant cocktail captures the essence of Southern hospitality, making it a must-try for bourbon lovers looking to celebrate the season.


What to mix with Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey?

Bourbon mixes well many beverages including cola, soda water, coffee, orange juice, fortified wine, and other spirits. Bourbon is a versatile spirit that can be enjoyed on its own or mixed in a cocktail.

Is bourbon good with Sprite?

It was just a sophisticated, clean cocktail. I was delighted to taste both ingredients without the rough burn of the bourbon rushing down my throat. The best thing, though, is that you can easily tailor this drink to your tastebuds. If you like the full, strong flavor of bourbon you can use less Sprite.

What juice is good with bourbon?

The perfect bourbon cocktail: Two parts bourbon One part pomegranate juice Splash of maple syrup Juice of 1/2 mandarin orange Top with ginger beer Garnish with rosemary sprig, mandarin twist and pomegranate seeds.

What is a kiss me goodnight cocktail?

1. Take the mixing jar and add maraschino cherry brine, Italian red bitter, vodka and ice cubes.
2. Stir the mix for 7-10 seconds and pour it in a coupe or martini glass.
3. Pour the dagoba mix on top of the drink and finish with three coffee beans as garnish.

How to drink Kentucky straight bourbon?

It’s just room-temperature bourbon served from a glass. On the other hand, straight involves placing the bourbon in a glass with ice, shaking it or stirring it to cool it, and then straining it into a glass to serve. True bourbon connoisseurs understand this is the best way to drink bourbon.

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