How Do I Love Thee New Zealand, Let Me Count the Ways

In a nutshell, my wanderlust was born from a desire to escape the general state of big-city life in New York City and search for something more, something different – the comfort that comes from immersion in nature. For obvious reasons, traveling, even the idea of hopping on a plane, posed many unknowns during COVID-19. Yet, circumstances made us ready to jump at the next opportunity to explore when it was safe.

The cards were dealt, and I fed the soul differently, hopping from previous posts to travel articles, immersing in photos, and avoiding the beaten path. Traveling virtually, living vicariously through others’ experiences on Instagram, all this wander created a memory lane of sorts, until I could hit the road.

My Own Wanderlust Wednesday

My Own Wanderlust Wednesday

Wanderlust Wednesday has become a ritual, born from the days when I could only travel from my living room. After five months of traversing the virtual landscapes of the North Island and South Island of New Zealand, I was ready to truly experience the unmatched beauty every Wednesday.

A Back Story to My Love Aotearoa

A Back Story to My Love Aotearoa

My journey began long before I boarded that plane for New Zealand, or as it’s known in the native Māori name, Aotearoa. As a youth, my wanderlust was just a spark, ignited by stories of adventure across small towns and cities, of hikes across beaches and mountains, drawing me away from general small-town living. It’s a chapter in my life that holds memories of wander and excursions, a fascination with the country that I grew from trips around the South Pacific and traversing through southern Australia. I’ve explored this destination alone, capturing photos and videos that fail to do justice to the raw emotions these adventures evoke.

Life’s Canvas: Art, and Unexpected Challenges

Life's Canvas: Art, and Unexpected Challenges

Previously working the 9-5 in an office with expansive views of Manhattan, I would often see paintings and photos of beautiful places and dreams. The artwork on the walls, made my jaw drop, each canvas an interpretation of the paradise I longed to explore. But it was not until I was invited as a journalist to a Sauvignon Blanc conference in Marlborough, the epicenter of Sauvignon Blanc production, that I began to get a taste of my wanderlust.

Living Vicariously Through My Own Experiences

Living Vicariously Through My Own Experiences

I’ve faced unexpected challenges but also found poignant moments of self-discovery. From hilarious encounters with sheep to feeling parched in the sun but striving for adventure in Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, and beyond. I seized every occasion, from garden parties to beachside bashes, to taste the diverse flavors of life. Relishing time in cities like Wellington, and visiting wineries in Martinborough, was about more than wine; it was about the culture, the kindness, and embracing the frenetic life in front of me.

A Toast to Adventures and Journeys

A Toast to Adventures and Journeys

As the world became my home, and New Zealand a destination I would often discover anew, my long, hard journey changed me. Each trip added a new level to my being and etched memories deep into my soul. Now, I plan my next excursion back to Aotearoa with eager anticipation, ready for the freedom and independence to live as brightly as the candlelight, to use my grief and childhood faith in every breath, smile, and tear of my life. Praised be the chances that allow me to strive for right, passion, and purely love this heavenly earth, considering it as God’s grace and choosing it over and over again, even after death.


In a culmination of remote desires and digital escapades, the narrative of my wanderlust culminates as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit against the backdrop of a world at a standstill. What began as an escape from the bustling life of New York City burgeoned into a virtual voyage to the heartlands of Aotearoa, through landscapes digitally traversed every Wanderlust Wednesday. This ritualistic quest sparked in the confines of a living room and grew into real explorations – tasting the culture, wine, and the undeniable warmth of life’s encounters. The journeys morphed from vicarious indulgences into tangible memories, forging a lifelong love affair with New Zealand. 

As I now plan my return to the South Pacific gem, I cling to the hope that every future adventure etches as deep and meaningful an impression as the lovesick words of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, allowing me to love the land and its experiences, ‘in every breath, smile, and tear of my life.’

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Where does the quote How do I love thee let me count the ways come from?

How do I love thee, let me count the ways” is a line from the 43rd sonnet of Sonnets from the Portuguese, a collection of 44 love sonnets written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

What is the message of the poem “How do I love thee”?

The meaning of “How Do I Love Thee” is that the speaker’s love is so deep and true that it will continue after death. The speaker opens the sonnet with the question of how the speaker loves the love interest, the listener, and then proceeds to answer by describing the speaker’s love.

What is the meaning of the poem let me count the ways.

Let me count the ways” the speaker embarks on a project of listing how she loves her beloved. The poem thus begins as a means of attempting to justify love in rational terms. By expressing her desire to “count the ways,” the speaker suggests that her love can be explained on an intellectual level.

What is the speaker counting in How Do I Love Thee?

This poem, which is also known as “Sonnet 43,” begins with the speaker addressing a rhetorical question to their beloved: “How do I love thee?” This question provides the motivation for what follows, which is essentially a list in which the speaker “count[s] the ways” of their love (line 1).

Where does the quote How do I love thee let me count the ways come from?

How do I love thee, let me count the ways” is a line from the 43rd sonnet of Sonnets from the Portuguese, a collection of 44 love sonnets written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

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