Grasshopper Cocktail Recipe: The Ultimate After-Dinner Drink

Growing up, vivid memories of Christmastime flood my mind, especially those of my parents sipping on a pretty green drink from elegant cocktail glasses. As a little girl often labeled the girly girl, I was immediately drawn to the bright green color and the dainty glassware. One evening, curiosity got the better of me, and I asked my parents what they were drinking.

 My dad cheerfully said, “Grasshopper Cocktail,” and I was horrified, thinking my parents were drinking actual grasshoppers! After a good giggle over my misunderstanding, that funny bit of personal nostalgia has made the Grasshopper drink even more special to me today.

Years later, I learned that the Grasshopper invokes affection not just because of its chocolate-mint deliciousness but also because it’s a classic cocktail from the early 20th century, renowned as a tasty after-dinner drink. It’s super easy to make, with just three ingredients, and its eye-catching appearance makes it the perfect choice for any collection of cocktail recipes for occasions like Halloween, Christmas, or even St. Patrick’s Day. Whether you’re crafting a dessert drink or a mint chocolate Martini, the Grasshopper cocktail offers easy, delicious sips every time.

What Is a Grasshopper Drink?

What Is a Grasshopper Drink?

As a favorite after-dinner drink, the Grasshopper Cocktail with its striking green hue and chocolate-mint flavor is a classic, creamy concoction that’s perfect for holidays and special occasions. This popular, refreshing mix of mint liqueur, chocolate liqueur, and cream offers a smoothness that is as much a treat for the palette as its vibrant appearance is for the eyes. Mixing these elements produces not just a beverage but a memorable experience, especially with the fun of exploring Grasshopper Drink Variations that add unique twists to a beloved recipe.

What Does a Grasshopper Cocktail Taste Like?

The Grasshopper Cocktail, a favorite after-dinner drink, features a striking green hue and a luxurious chocolate-mint flavor. Known for its creamy concoction, this classic is perfect for holidays and special occasions, offering a smooth and refreshing experience. Delight in the mixing of mint liqueur, chocolate liqueur, and cream, celebrating the appearance and Grasshopper Drink Variations that enhance this popular recipe.

Grasshopper Cocktail History

Grasshopper Cocktail History

Originating from the vibrant heart of New Orleans, the Grasshopper Cocktail has a storied past, deeply rooted in the culture of American cocktail lore. Often attributed to Philibert Guichet of Teague’s, a historic restaurant, the cocktail’s invention is popularly dated back to 1919. Despite a lack of documentary proof, the widely accepted story holds that Guichet concocted this minty-chocolate charm during a national cocktail competition, securing second place. Over the years, the Grasshopper has evolved from a local novelty into a popular choice during the disco era, finding its place on restaurant menus across America, especially prominent in Midwest cities like Milwaukee and Minnesota.

Celebratory occasions in post-war America saw the mid-20th century rise to fame of this creamy Grasshopper, which resonated particularly in New York City. The mixture of Crème de Menthe and Crème de Cacao offers a layered, narratively rich savor that is both refreshing and indulgent, perfect for ending a meal on a sweet note. As a bartender and a cocktail enthusiast, my personal experiences mixing this delightful drink confirm its undeniable momentum as a staple during gatherings, where its bright green glass presentation never fails to evoke smiles and toast to good times. 

This cocktail endured through the Prohibition era, with early iterations being less sophisticated due to unclear ingredient restrictions. However, once Prohibition ended, the cocktail milieu saw a resurgence in popularity, and variations of the Grasshopper emerged faster and became more complex and refined.

Old Fashioned Grasshopper Cocktail Ingredients

Old Fashioned Grasshopper Cocktail Ingredients
  • Grasshopper Cocktail: A traditional after-dinner drink known for its distinctive green hue and creamy texture.
  • Mint Liqueur: Essential for the cocktail’s vibrant color and refreshing mint flavor, typically using Green Crème de Menthe.
  • Chocolate Liqueur: Crème de Cacao adds a rich chocolate depth, balancing the mint with its sweetness.
  • Cream: Heavy cream, or alternatives like half-and-half or milk, whipped to create a smooth, velvety consistency.
  • Additional Flavors: Enhancements such as vanilla extract for warmth, nutmeg, and chocolate shavings can be added to enhance the drink’s complexity and presentation.
  • Mixing Technique: Combining these ingredients achieves a balance of flavors, turning a simple mix into a memorable culinary experience.

How to Make a Grasshopper Cocktail

How to Make a Grasshopper Cocktail

Transforming simple ingredients into a delicious and iconic cocktail at home is both an art and a joy. Pre-chill your coupe or martini glass by filling it with ice and a combination of water; let it sit while you make the drink, then discard the ice when you’re ready to serve. Next, Combine Ingredients: Fill a cocktail shaker with ice, 1 oz Crème de Menthe, 1 oz White Crème de Cacao, and 2 oz Cream. The original Grasshopper drink recipe calls for equal parts of Crème de Menthe, Creme de Cacao, and cream to ensure the mint is not overpowering.

 Shake vigorously for 30-45 seconds until chilled and combined. Strain and Serve using a Hawthorne strainer or a fine mesh sieve to double-strain the mixture into your chilled cocktail glass. Optionally, garnish with a sprinkle of chocolate shavings, a dash of nutmeg, a dollop of whipped cream, or a sprig of fresh mint for extra flavor and visual flair; a drizzle of Ghirardelli Chocolate Sauce adds extra chocolate oomph.

Grasshopper Drink with Ice Cream

For a frozen version of the Grasshopper cocktail, simply replace the heavy cream with a scoop or two of mint chocolate chip or vanilla ice cream. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth, and voilà, you have a creamy, dreamy dessert drink that’s both refreshing and indulgent.

Non-alcoholic Grasshopper cocktail

To create a non-alcoholic version of the Grasshopper cocktail, use mint syrup such as Torani or Crème de Menthe syrup along with mint extract and chocolate sauce or syrup to replicate the traditional flavor profiles. The cream helps balance the drink ratios, but feel free to experiment to find the right balance to match your taste, starting with a strong flavor from mint and adding more if necessary.

Grasshopper Cocktail Variations

Grasshopper Cocktail Variations

Venture into Grasshopper cocktail variations by integrating Baileys Irish Cream for a sweeter, coffee, and caramel-infused richer twist, or replace half or all the cream with vodka for a lighter but boozier experience. Gin, especially a chamomile-forward kind like Ford’s Gin, can also take the place of a base spirit. These switches offer a different martini experience where flavors meld more pronounced. Early versions of vegan-friendly options can use coconut or almond milk.

When to Serve a Grasshopper Drink

The Grasshopper drink, with its playful minty flavor and vibrant green color, is perfect for holiday gatherings and is known to aid digestion. Serve this sweet, chocolate, and mint cocktail for a jovial touch at your next celebration. It’s especially fitting for festive occasions like St. Patrick’s Day festivities or Halloween, given its eerie green glow and dessert-like qualities.


The Grasshopper Cocktail, with its historical charm and delightful mix of chocolate and mint, stands as a timeless after-dinner drink that transcends mere refreshment to become a symbol of celebration and nostalgia. Rooted firmly in the rich cocktail tradition of 20th-century America, it offers a vibrant burst of green color and a creamy, luxurious texture that makes it an appealing choice for holidays and special events. 

The simplicity of its creation combining equal parts of green Crème de Menthe, white Crème de Cacao, and cream does nothing to diminish its complexity in taste and its ability to evoke cherished memories, hinting at personal connections and shared laughter. Whether served in a traditional setting or enjoyed in its various modern twists, the Grasshopper remains a delightful testament to cocktail culture’s rich narrative, marrying visual appeal with palatable delight in every sip.


What does a Grasshopper cocktail contain?

A Grasshopper drink combines three core ingredients: green Crème de Menthe for that mint flavor and green color, Light Crème de Cacao for chocolate richness, and heavy cream for a smooth, creamy texture.

What flavor is a Grasshopper?

The Green Grasshopper Cocktail is best described as having a creamy, mint, and chocolate flavor a favorite for those who enjoy a dessert-like cocktail experience.

What is the history of the Grasshopper Cocktail?

The Grasshopper cocktail has its origins in New Orleans and is attributed to Tague’s Restaurant. Officially cemented into the cocktail scene in 1918, the drink perhaps existed in earlier forms.

When was the Grasshopper cocktail popular?

The Grasshopper enjoyed its heyday in the mid-20th century and remains a beloved classic among cocktail lovers worldwide.

Can I make a Grasshopper cocktail with milk?

Yes, you can make a Grasshopper cocktail using milk instead of cream. While it changes the final texture and lightens the mouthfeel, it’s an acceptable substitution for those seeking a lighter version of this traditional drink.

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