Fearless Girl Statue: Where Is She Now and Why Is She Important?

The Fearless Girl Statue, a bronze sculpture initially poised defiantly opposite the Charging Bull at Bowling Green in the Financial District of Manhattan, has since moved and now continues to impart her message near the New York Stock Exchange. Through her journey across New York, the statue has become far more than a piece of art; she stands as a powerful symbol of gender equality and the relentless push against male dominance in the corporate world.

Representing female empowerment, her resiliency resonates well beyond the confines of the Financial District, touching those who view her as an icon of modern feminist ambition. Alongside her plugs into the socio-political terrain are complex dialogues shrouded in both controversy and admiration, making her not only a centerpiece of art but also a pivotal catalyst in ongoing gender discourse.

Background of the Fearless Girl Statue

Background of the Fearless Girl Statue

The Fearless Girl statue, initially installed on March 7, 2017, by State Street Global Advisors, stands as a defiant symbol against corporate gender disparities and advocates for substantial female representation on corporate boards. Its initial placement facing Wall Street’s Charging Bull in Manhattan’s Financial District immediately drew international attention. Beyond just a bronze statue, her stance—feet planted firmly, hands on hips, and hair billowing as if in mid-stride—symbolizes unyielding courage and the global push for female empowerment. Despite merely a week-long planned permit, public acclaim cemented her status, leading to a permanent residence, extended by public demand into 2018.

The Capitalist Connection

Originally meant to draw attention to gender discrepancies in corporate America, the Fearless Girl has courted critique for being a clever corporate marketing tool as much as a deliberative installation. Sponsored by State Street as part of a campaign to encourage higher female inclusivity on boards, it points to the dual edges of corporate activism—a potent mix of genuine social concern tethered to corporate branding, specifically the ‘./SHE’ index fund that promotes companies excelling in gender diversity.

The Artist Behind the Fearless Girl – Kristen Visbal

The Artist Behind the Fearless Girl – Kristen Vishal

Kristen Visbal, the creator, modeled the Fearless Girl sculpture to project boldness and inspire women and girls worldwide. As an accomplished sculptor known for her detailed work, Visbal imbued this piece with a sense of motion and purpose, intending it to resonate deeply as both an aesthetic and a motivational force within the corporate and social landscapes.

The Journey of the Fearless Girl Statue in New York

The Fearless Girl’s placement in New York signifies more than geographical significance; it’s a cultural assertion. Transitioning from Bowling Green Park to a more prominent position in front of the New York Stock Exchange, the move symbolizes ongoing struggles against and within the financial titans of Wall Street for gender parity and broader corporate reform. Each location marks an evolutionary stage in the city’s as well as society’s narrative toward gender equality.

Exploring the Current Location of the Fearless Girl Statue

Today, the Fearless Girl stands firmly on Broad Street, confronting the architectural and financial behemoths of New York’s Stock Exchange. This locale is emblematic, capturing her continual challenge to the towering entities of power and the societal impetus to recognize and address systemic gender inequality. Her presence there is not just an artistic statement, but a daily reminder of resilience in the ongoing quest for equality.

The Controversy and the Legal Battle

The statute has not been without its controversies, primarily concerning copyrights and representations. The enormous attention has seen unauthorized reproductions and legal tussles, notably involving State Street and artist Kristen Visbal. Moreover, the introduction of the Fearless Girl NFT has catalyzed debates regarding the commercialization of her image versus the intended empowerment message, leading to complex legal and ethical discussions.

The Fearless Girl NFT: A Bold Move

The Fearless Girl NFT: A Bold Move

In a striking meld of art and technology, the recently launched Fearless Girl NFT by Kristen Visbal signifies a venture into digital art, perpetuating her message of empowerment in the virtual realm. Given the existing legal conflicts surrounding physical copies, this move into NFTs introduces a fresh layer of complexity and innovation in how the Fearless Girl’s message is propagated and preserved.

An Icon of Equality

Through multiple relocations, legal disputes, and evolving public perceptions, the Fearless Girl remains an undying symbol of resiliency and continues to spur discussions on gender equality. Now more than ever, she embodies a beacon of hope and a visual anchor in the continued fight for equal rights within the dense urban and corporate fabric of New York.


The Fearless Girl statue not only enriches New York’s cityscape but also profoundly influences the global discourse on gender equality in corporate and social realms. Initially set against the backdrop of Wall Street’s Charging Bull, her relocation in front of the New York Stock Exchange underscores her enduring role as a dynamic emblem of female resilience and empowerment. As she continues to challenge the behemoths of corporate power, her presence urges a more inclusive recognition of women’s roles in leadership and decision-making processes. 

Engulfed in both controversy and admiration, the Fearless Girl transcends mere artistic endeavor, achieving a societal impact that prompts ongoing discussions and actions towards achieving gender parity. Her journey and the dialogues she instigates reflect not only an artistic but a vital socio-political evolution, reinforcing her status as a quintessential icon of modern feminist ambition.

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Where is the Fearless Girl statue today?

The Fearless Girl currently stands facing the New York Stock Exchange building on Broad Street, between Wall Street and Exchange Place. If you’re taking a subway from a nearby neighborhood, the closest stations are Broad Street J/Z, Wall Street 2/3, Wall Street 4/5, and Rector Street R/W.

What is the significance of the fearless girl statue?

As first placed, it faced Charging Bull, a much larger and heavier bronze statue that is 11 feet (3.4 m) tall and weighs 7,100 pounds (3,200 kg). Fearless Girl is meant to “send a message” about workplace gender diversity and encourage companies to recruit women to their boards.

How tall is the Fearless Girl statue?

State Street installed “Fearless Girl” in Manhattan’s financial district, across from the “Charging Bull” sculpture, in March 2017 shortly before International Women’s Day. The bronze statue is about 50 inches (127 cm) tall, depicting a girl standing proudly with her hands on her hips.

How much is the fearless girl statue?

In April 2018, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the statue would be moved to its current position, outside the stock exchange. Throughout 2017 and 2018, Visbal sold replicas of “Fearless Girl” in several countries for prices ranging from $250,000 for full-sized copies to $6,650 for miniature, 22.5-inch ones.

What does a Fearless Girl look like?

Her message was clear: It’s time for women to take their rightful place in the boardrooms of Wall Street. The Fearless Girl is not just any statue. She stands just over four feet tall, hands on hips, chin up, hair blowing in the wind. Made of bronze, she may be small in stature, but she is mighty in spirit.

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