How to Make a Morning Glory Fizz Cocktail

Today we are making one of those classic recipes, the Morning Glory Fizz that sits amid the rest of this early late-1800s cocktail canon, and errantly assumed to be a hair-of-the-dog remedy from that unbowed morning fang smacking. 

The Drink is called La Reina de la Manana, the Queen of the Morning. A powerful mix of Scotch and absinthe created by the great bartender Harry Johnson, whose punch is tempered by an egg white and a spritz of soda. A bright orange garnish for added visual appeal both wakes up the sense and makes you forget all about that pesky headache. A delightful start to the day, this drink combines a strong backbone with a delicate finish and balances the flavorful blend.


Ingredients How to Make a Morning Glory Fizz Cocktail
  • Blended scotch whisky, preferably King Charles II brand 2oz
  • 1/2 ounce lemon juice.
  • 1/2 ounce lime juice.
  • 1/2 ounce 1:1 simple syrup
  • 1 egg white.
  • 3-4 dashes absinthe.
  • Soda, to top.
  • An orange peel or wheel, for garnish


Directions How to Make a Morning Glory Fizz Cocktail
  1. Morning Cocktail: A drink brightening even the darkest of mornings.Ice, to acclimate the refreshment.
  1. Shaker: helps in stirring the ingredients well.
  1. Shake: a vigorous way to mix ingredients both to chill the cocktail and blend flavors.
  1. Chilled: Keeps your cocktail to the optimal temperature.
  1. Top up: Sodawasser kurz auffüllen, um die Trinkabischluss zu vergaze
  1. Soda: Another layer of sparkle and flavor control.
  1. Garnish: Helps better the eye and smell of your drink.
  1. Garnish: Orange peel A zesty garnish that provides a pleasant citrus note.

The Morning Glory Fizz Story

The Morning Glory Fizz Story
  • Discover the history of the cocktail, its first references in literature, and how it has changed over time.
  • List famous bartenders or venues where the cocktail helped to make it cool.

Variations of the Morning Glory Fizz

  • Discuss modern twists on the classic recipe, such as different spirits or flavored syrups.
  • Include non-alcoholic versions or other ingredients that can be substituted.

Perfect Pairings

  • Recommend food pairings that enhance the taste of the Morning Glory Fizz
  • Feature brunch elements, small starters, or even first meal of the day plates

Mixology Tips

  • Provide suggestions for how to shake and serve the cocktail most properly, which is important for achieving the best taste and presentation.
  • Offer insight into the importance of fresh ingredients that contribute to the flavors

Cultural References

Cultural References Morning Glory Fizz
  • Pop culture connection, literature, and film appearances of the Morning Glory Fizz
  • Tell us about any well-known characters who can be seen drinking this cocktail.

Healthier Alternatives

  • Recommend how to lower the sugar or alcohol, while preserving taste.
  • Touch upon the virtues of select beneficial items like lemon or lime juice in small quantities.

Bartending Techniques

  • Detail the method of preparing the cocktail, like dry shaking to make egg white go frothy.
  • Add in some of your helpful pics or graphics, when applicable for a more interactive guide.

Personal Anecdotes

Personal Anecdotes  Morning Glory Fizz
  • Tell a personal anecdote about this drink. Have your own experience with the Morning Glory Fizz?
  • They can be a great prompt for comments if you ask readers to share their own stories or versions of the cocktail.


THIS MORNING GLORY FIZZ is a classic Scotch and Absinthe combo with egg white for creaminess and soda for refreshment. A colorful holiday morning tonic equipped to remove hangover symptoms while garnished with an orange slice. Both evocative of pre-prohibition 19th-century roots and pleasant equilibrium in terms of its flavors, the Morning Glory Fizz endures as one of those cult well-loved cocktail recipes that always says everyone is welcome to a glassful of nostalgia.


What is the history of the Morning Glory Fizz?

The history of the Morning Glory Fizz is first referred to in O. H. Byron’s Modern Bartender’s Guide (1884). The classic cocktail was originally designed to ‘de-glaze the brain’ after a heavy night out and has since become something of a Scotch staple.

Bucks Fizz is a bit of a morning drink isn’t it?

Makes a happy hour beverage, perfect for that special morning shot. The mimosa on steroids i.e. champagne and fresh-squeezed OJ.

What is fizz in alcohol?

Cousin of the classic Sours family, a fizz is a mixed drink. What makes a shandy a shandy, is it contains acid juice (like lemon or lime) and carbonated water. Most often it is made with some kind of gin or rum.

Why Do We Have Morning Glory?

After you get up in the morning, your testosterone level is at its peak. In a human, it is high in the awakening phase from the REM sleep stage. Simply increasing this hormone itself may be enough to trigger an erection even in the absence of any physical stimulation going on.

Is fizz drink healthy?

Carbonated beverages contain high sugar or calorie content and provide zero nutritional benefits. Regular intake may cause dental issues, blood glucose fluctuations, increases in body weight, hormonal level changes, and actually provoke hunger.

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